A process started in April of 2009 culminated in that much anticipated, "you have been awarded..." telephone call.
It had happened! It had finally happened!!
I was on a quest for technology funding for our school which was a about 5 years or more behind the proverbial curve. The following details a portion of the story...
1. Searched online for "technology grants, technology funding, funding for private schools, etc."
2. Found the Lutheran Foundation in St. Louis and saw that they had indeed funded some schools.
3. Applied and was denied from the Lutheran Foundation
4. Listened to a Lutheran Foundation staff person at an Association of Fundraising Professionals "Meet the Donor" breakfast and they noted that funders like to hear from those requesting grant funds.
5. Contacted the Lutheran Foundation staff person who directed me to their president.
6. Met with the Lutheran Foundation president for lunch and presented information about our school and asked for direction. *sent a thank you letter
7. She put me in touch with the executive director of the Innovative Technology Education Fund with whom they work in granting funds to Lutheran schools.
8. Contacted the Innovative Technology Education Fund (ITEF) executive director who put me in touch with their program officer.
9. Met program officer from ITEF for lunch and presented our marketing information . I explained what we were looking to do and asked for direction. *sent a thank you letter
10.Applied for grant with as detailed information as possible and with suggestions from the program officer.
11.Received word that we were selected for a site visit.
12.Prepared for and hosted a successful site visit. *sent a thank you letter
13.Heard those wonderful, wonderful words, "you have been awarded a grant!" *sent a thank you letter
Nearly three years had passed since we began. What are our lessons?
You must perservere, you must research and get on the phone and ask questions.
Don't be afraid to meet and ask a funder what they suggest.
Always, always have information prepared to give to a funder to back up your reasoning for requesting a grant.
When you return from a meeting, a great phone call, a site visit, or a congratulatory phone call, ALWAYS send a thank you letter on professional stationery.
When communication throughout the grant application process, be completely honest, ask questions if necessary.
Return grant paperwork as soon as possible
Maintain accurate records as grant fund purchases are made so that impact, mid-grant reports, follow up reports, etc. are easily assembled.
Next time: How to get a meeting with a funder!
Thanks so much for all your hard work, Lisa!!!