Event Sponsorships Part II
Thanks for checking back...so talk about some specific examples of sponsorship levels and recongition opportunities for your potential donors.
Remember the trivia night event idea from yesterday? Let's set a goal of $20,000 for our first time. How are we going to achieve such a lofty goal our first time out with this event.
Let's consider this...
Sponsorships can help you achieve goals, provide income to help you spread the word, and you are helping the sponsor to get their name out, too.
Try this as a possible Sponsorship Opportunities piece:
$5,000 Gold Sponsor
$2,500 Silver Sponsor
$1,000 Bronze Sponsor
$ 500 Table Sponsor
But, think about what you can offer these sponsors at the various giving levels.
At $5,000, the exclusive Gold Sponsor would receive One table with premier seating for 10, Logo recognition on your website, logo recognition in the event program (250), recognition in your annual report (or similar publication listing all donors), logo recognition on table, verbal recognition by emcee during the event, logo recognition on slide during event, recognition via a press release distributed to X number of media outlets in your community.
At $2,500, a Silver sponsor would receive One table with premier seating for 10, Logo recognition on your website, recognition in the event program (250), recognition in your annual report (or similar publication listing all donors), logo recognition on table, recognition on slide at event, recognition via a press release distributed to X number of media outlets in your community.
At $1,000, a Bronze sponsor sponsor would receive One table with seating for 10, recognition on your website, recognition in the event program (250), recognition in your annual report (or similar publication listing all donors), recognition on slide at event, recognition via a press release distributed to X number of media outlets in your community.
At $500, a Table Sponsor sponsor would receive One table with seating for 10, recognition in the event program (250), recognition in your annual report (or similar publication listing all donors), recognition on slide at event, recognition via a press release distributed to X number of media outlets in your community.
If you sold one Gold Sponsorship at $5,000, one Silver Sponsor at $2,500, two Bronze Sponsors at $1,000, and four Table Sponsors at $500, you would bring in $11,500 in revenue.
Add to your sponsorships, the cost of ticket sales and your auction piece and you will most likely reach that goal!
Another thought is to allow one of your $1,000 sponsorships to perhaps be a gift-in-kind grocer who is willing to donate food and drink to the event.
Tune in next time for Part Three where we'll break down the pathway to your event goal and discuss tips and tricks for getting in touch with your potential sponsors.
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